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Credited Organization(Required) Please select the Participating Club to be credited with your donation.
Rotary Club of Daniel Island Rotary Club of Cainhoy-Peninsula Rotary Club of Mount Pleasant Mt. Pleasant Rotary Impact Club Rotary Club of North Charleston Rotary Club of North Charleston Breakfast North Charleston Breakfast Impact Club Summerville Club Summerville Evening Club Summerville Oakbrook Club
Credited Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Daniel Island Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Armandi, Nick J Arndt, Darren (Kathleen) Bacon, Billie M. (Jerry) Bacon, Jerry M. (Billie) Baker, Greg H (Kristine) Bell, Dwayne (deceased) Bellino, Al (Leigh) Brainerd, Greg (Lisa) Britt, Steve (Melynda ) Burgeson, Kathy (Mark) Burrell, Chris Burrell (Tamara) Butler, Jamey D (Emily) Butz, Tom (Gay) Cannon, Maureen Cannon Cannon, Bill L. Carnevale, Corky Bernard (Karen) Carroll, Tom Thomas (Carolyn) Castengera, Sally Cole, Michael Michael (Elizabeth) Condon, Kevin (Gene Philip) Cox, Matt (Bari) Cubbler, Suzy J (Jason) Cullen, Tom (Elizzabeth) Desmond, Matt (Kelly) DiLisi, Jeff Drake, Angela Black Epperson, Derek Epperson (Shannon) Farber, Christoph Garcia, Scott Garcia (Christine) Geier, Mike W (Christine) Goxhaj, Silva Granozio, John Edward Greene, Bill R. (MaryEllen) Gross, Jeffrey Gross Louis (Katherine) Grubb, Bob L. (Julia) Hale, Alex J (Nicole) Hall, Gerry (Nancy) Hall, Dr. Troy (Victoria) Harkins, William Helmey, Mark Brian Henry, Michael (Rachel) Hines, Frank B. Ives, Gray (Kathryn) James, LaDonna Jordan, Michael L. M. (Virginia) Jucha, George Jucha W. Kish, John G. Kypta, Rich Kypta Laaper, Ben H Law, Chip (Chiara) Lee, Beth Manning (Ron) Lilly, Kate Long Richardson, Hannah (Hayden) McGregor, Colleen R Miller, Jim M. (Mary) Moravick, Ann M Morrill, James Douglas (Gail) Murray, Evan Murray J (Melaina) Pagliarini, David G. (Kim) Parker, Missie Patterson, Michael E. Platzer, James (Heather-Marie) Rickert, Marc (Vesna) Roberts, George Romeo Pappas, Mary Jo (Nicholas) Rominger, Ed J (Cynthia) Sandhu, Guri Sands, Jay Schroeder, Mary (Robert) Schroeder, Bob (Mary) Sherman, Patrick Shultz, John M (Kerri) Siegan, Mitch Slifer, Steve De Walt (Mary) Smith, Mark Smith M. (Elayne) Stevens, Bill (Ann) Stewart, Nicole (Paul) Stovall, Bill Sudzina, Mary Tang, Pat Taylor, Kyle A Thielfoldt, Bill (Diane) Vail, Chad Lindsey (April) VanScoy, Josh G (Catherine) Varn, Scott Scott (Laura) Waddington, Caitlin Wagner, Amanda T (Jude) Wessner, Mary Louise Wetzel, Larry Wetzel Robert White, Faith Wood, Bob Saxton (Carol) Zechmann, Rebeca UNKNOWN
Credited Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Cainhoy-Peninsula Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Burgeson, Peter Clarke Cassidy, Sharon Dawn (Michael) Free, Sherman Labarowski, Scott Leiti, Bess Lovett, Marion Puscas, Cathy Puscas, Louis Spires, Michael Stanford, John William (Cheryl) Stroud, Jon Clay (Wendy) Valeri, Heather (David) Walden, John UNKNOWN
Credited Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Mount Pleasant Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Anderson, Benji (Lauren) Anderson, Charles (Sandra) Ball, Brian (Mary) Barrow, Elliott Basten, Kate Bernstein, Bobby (Mary Deann) Boyd, Clay Campbell (Whitley) Briesacher, Randy Lee (Leslie) Crosby, Kevin J. Davis, Jane Thompson (Harold F.) Davis, Zoe (Patrick) DuMez Troutt, Cherie Dunn, Clinton (Kim) Durant, Hill (Aimee) Dyer, Reid Evan (Jodi) Edwards, Allen Gibson (Sue) Evans, Jack (Evie) Ewing, Judith L (Norm) Floyd, Al Garralda, Miguel Maria George, Jerry (Lynn) Gibson, Jen Beck (Paul) Gilliam, Herb (Susan) Gooden, Rebecca Gray, Robert B. Greene, Mary Ellen Hagwood, Jason Hagwood, Rachel Hall Heffner, Carolyn Ann (Donn) Holmes, Stephen Stephen (Leila) Kaufman, Louis J (Susan) Kent, David P (Minou) Lee, James Lewis Lett, Gerald Libby, Jack (Carol) Livingston, Jim E. (Sara) Mancini, Ralph Martin, Bill E Matson, Audrey G (Mat (deceased)) McCroskey, J.R. Ray (Aly) McGlaughon, Andrew Andrew (Laura) McKown, Krissy Kristin McNair, Norm Hamilton (Judith) Mello, Lou (Teresa) Messervy, Buena Vista Moring, Platte Boyd (Susan) Murrell, Kyle (Amy) Nichols, Terri (Carl) O'Brien, Pat J. (Celest) Pardieck, Matt (Alissa) Patterson, Terryn C. Peavey, Jon (Meg) Peters, Weston Harmon Plair, Jimmy (Kathy) Popelka, Sue Price, Paul (Roslyn) Rainero, Joe (Lisa) Ross, Loring L. (Young) Royall, John (Julia) Salmon, Dick L. (Elaine) Schey, Larry L. (Dorothy ) Schirmer, Sam R. (Gina) Sharpe, Anna Sherr, Beth (Mitchell) Sherr, Mitch (Beth) Simmons, Billy (Deedie) Tallmadge, Ken Roger (CHARLOTTE) Tatum, Vicki Victoria Taylor, Clayton (Elizabeth) Thurman, Mike Tiller, Randolph (Laurie) Toole, Scott (Anne) Townsend, Alan E. (Patty) Ulmer, Andrea Dandridge (Michael) Washburn, Eleanor Doggette Wyatt, Edward UNKNOWN
Credited Rotarian from the Mt. Pleasant Rotary Impact Club Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Butler, Camie T. (Edward ) Dubos, Melanie Catherine Freedman, Roy Howard Hall, Christen P. (John Patrick) Hazel, Henry Bennett Howenstine, Craig Johnson, Brian Smith, Paul (Giulia) White, William Belton UNKNOWN
Credited Rotarian from the Rotary Club of North Charleston (North Charleston Lunch) Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Agrest, Yan Balsam, Dawn V Beltz, James D. Boroughs, Martin L. Bradley, Philip Brown, Henry E. Jr. Bunch, David W. Bunch, Duncan X.O. Cannon, Alton J. Cappellini, Janet L. Chard, Richard D. Chepenik, Eileen F. Daughtridge, John B. Jr. Errthum, Joseph F. Farrell, Richard M. Gibbons, Glenn D. Gooden, James Goodman, Elizabeth Gravelle, Tabatha Hunter, Jairy C. Isaac, R. Kevin Jamison, Arthur Lee Jones, R. Chris Kassis, Daniel F. King, Gordon C. McCartha, Molly L Milligan, William M. O'Rourke, Patrick J Sr. Padgett, Ryan Gregory Parker, Steve Parks, Robert E. Robinson, Richard Jr. Ross, Jeremy S. Rumrill, Keith H. Schady, Joseph L. Smith, Donald M. Snowden, John C. Stone, H. Donald Strother, Troy Summey, Keith R. Thornley, Mary Dr Trenor, Robert W. Walters, David M. Sr. Yeh, Kai UNKNOWN
Credited Rotarian from the Rotary Club of North Charleston Breakfast Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Baugh, Philicia Cannon, Leigh (James) Dawson, Joe (Prestyne) Durant, Maurice Healy, Pat Healy J (Lilly) Heath, Amy (Matthew) Huger, Charles E. Johnson, David O. Johnson O. (Gail) Kelly, Samuel Lattuca, Steve (Sara) Marshall, Andrew E. McKnight, Paul (Lillie) McRae, Cal C (Billie) Mills, Bryan Bryan (Amanda) Moseley, Mose S. North, Patsy Rask, George (Deanna) Robbins, Josh (Phallan) Schall, Mike D. (Peggy) Snyder, Robbie F. (Judy) Tiedemann, Jay (Cindy) Titus, Art L. (Mary Jo) Wells, Frank (Carolina) Williams, Sarah UNKNOWN
Credited Rotarian from the North Charleston Breakfast Impact Club Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Ancrum, Dayquan Malik Andrews, Carolyn T Bobo, Robert Ryan Cannon, James Thomas Cochran, DeQuan Marquel Harold Dawson, Joseph IV Dawson, Lloyd Lenneth Dilligard, Barbara Dawson Dinh, Em ThiNgoc Felder, M L Fox, Joseph Garey, Brenda L Hodges, Asheley Hughes, Jay Jefferson, Donnavan M Johnson, Vanessa McDaniel, Matthew D. Miller, Bob Simmons, Corrie Gerrod Singleton, Herbert Smith, Austin Grace Smith, Vodra E Waters, Keria A UNKNOWN
Credited Rotarian from the Summerville Club (Summerville Lunch) Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Ackerman, Edwin C. Aiken, Sidney Montez II Art, Linda A. Barfield, Melissa G Bartolome, Jamie III Beery, James R. Bennett, Sean Berardo, Shirley B Berry, Rita Bradham, Allen C. Brislin, Eugene H. Jr. Buddin, Todd G Jr. DePoppe, Ryan M Dixon, Herman L. Doniger, Steven Duncan, Carroll El-Idrissi, Mohamad Bourouis Elliott, Jaye Jones Evans, Amy M Everett, William C. Friday, Joseph Fulcher, Roland Kirk Givens, Henry L Givens, Ronnie M. Greene, Corey L Haggerty, Tricia Hall, Jeffrey S. Haynes, Glen B. Hoose, Frederick R. Jackson, Hunter Jenkins, Charles R. Johnson-Wilson, Tiffany L. Kellert, Frank A Knight, Kelly Knight, Luther C. Laney, Sharon Lee, Justin B. Lomax, William R. Maccario, Debbie C. Mallett, Bradley Jr. Manley, Kelsey M Martin, Colin L. McAllister, Gillis F. McCravy, Katie L McIntosh, David G. McLendon, Michael E. Melcher, Brent A Miler, Richard L Miley, George E. Myers, Beth Myers, James B. Nichols, John D Nor, Art Nye, Donald F. Oglietti, Anthony R. Osage, Frank J. Patterson, Jonathan David Pettay, Dan Phillips, Kay W. Poelker, Scott Polutta, John David Pope, Anthony H. Powell, David R. Pratt, Robert L. Presley, Jonathan M. Priest, Ellen C. Rabon, George M Rahn, Willis L. Randall, Kathy A Roberts, Brandon C Rogan, Walter W. Rogers, Ashley C Sams, Justin W Schmitt, Aaron P Shelton, Chad Shuler, Gregory Reed Smith, Ronald H. Smith, Rutherford P. C. Stauch, Shari J. Strawn, Ronald L. Tatro-Manes, Joyce Tatum, Kathryn E. Taylor, Jeff Terry, Jason Toombs, William R Waring, Richard G IV Waring, William H III Waring-Woods, Jan H. Waters, Wayne Weatherford, Jillian C Williams, Kelly P. Wilson, Phillip R Wood, Michael Wright, Douglas R. Zeigler, Jon UNKNOWN
Credited Rotarian from the Summerville Evening Club Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Arsenault, Woodrow Bailey, James RB Bordiuk, Dave Gray Brewer, Megan C Cole, Rachel Sheridan Cotler, Harry Fields, Karla Gatch, Robert D IV Gomez, Ellen H Greene, Jack Jr. Greenlee, Avery Belton Harrington, Sean London, Terri Lee McAlister, Sheryl Mixon, Helene H. Moore, Jaime E Moore, Terry R Parsons, Judith Patel, Pankaj B Pessalano, Andrew Price, Tim Putman, Wayne Russo, Jason Spencer, Kendra Taylor, Thomas A III Titze, Caroline Miler Westra, Daniel Westra, Regan Williams, Skip UNKNOWN
Credited Rotarian from the Summerville Oakbrook Club Please select the name of the Rotarian to be credited with your donation.
Atkinson, Ebbie Jim Bogart, Michael Bouknight, Frank H. Brouthers, Paul Burruano, Vincent D. Carlton, Edward C. Coakley, Matthew Scott Coakley, Richard E. Debney, Joe Dreyer, Frank T. Green, Perry R. Hoffmann, James R. Jackson, James R. Mayers, Dawn McGeary, Megan Merritt, Michelle K. Meyer, Mark Heidt Perkins, Ben Raymond Rose, Michael R. Templeton, Ryan D Wright, Stephen UNKNOWN
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